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My name is Atanas Spasov and I am Creative Media and Game Technologies student and my goal is to become a well-rounded Game Developer that can do a bit of everything. My initial passion was in art and animation, but as of recently I have been very keen on working with software such as Unity and Blender and am currently learning how to program with the C# coding language.


I have always been described as a creative person, so learning a study that is all about creativity and experimenting with different game technologies seemed very appealing to me. As of recently my aim became to express this creativity by making games. I am currently working on a game as a study project and I am making sky-high progress in accomplishing all my goals. In the short span of a year I managed to gain experience with almost every aspect of developing a game. From learning how to research target audiences to developing an creating gameplay from scratch I can't even imagine what else this journey will lead me to.

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